Haldane statement on the recent far right insurrectionary activities

The Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers

Horrified by the unthinkable deaths of Bebe King, Elsie Dot Stancombe, and Alice da Silva Aguiar.

Offers its deepest sympathies to the families, friends and communities facing this tragedy.

Believes that these tragic deaths have been used to spread misinformation, cause division and incite violence.

Notes that a British citizen has been charged with the murders.

Believes that the riots and violent disorder in Britain are not an expression of legitimate fears regarding immigration.

Stands in solidarity with the thousands marching against racism, Islamophobia and hate.

Commends those who are working to repair and rebuild their communities.

Believes that immigrants have been scapegoated by the media, government and political parties. This political rhetoric is divisive, dangerous and factually inaccurate. Lack of opportunity and community-building leading to disenfranchisement has been caused by historic under-investment in Britain and its communities. The post-2010 cuts under the guise of ‘austerity’ led to the dismantling of many state services which provided community, opportunity and support to British citizens. These are political choices, not the result of immigration. Investing in our communities is essential to addressing the root causes of these riots.

Recognises the contribution immigrants and Commonwealth citizens have made to Britain. They have fought as British soldiers, provided a much-needed workforce and contributed to Britain culturally and economically.

Notes that the vast majority of people who claim asylum in the UK are found to be genuine asylum seekers. These people are refugees, not illegal immigrants, and it is the lack of safe asylum routes that causes ‘small boats’, human trafficking and people smuggling.

Notes with grave concern calls to attack asylum and immigration lawyers.

Believes such threats are undemocratic, contrary to the rule of law, and run contrary to long-established British values. Political rhetoric and scapegoating has long been used to redirect blame from government failings in law and policy to lawyers. Lawyers act without fear orfavour to represent clients, working to ensure that the law applies to all equally and no one is above the law, including the government. This has been misrepresented as a political undermining of law and government. In reality, in conducting their work, lawyers are upholding the rule of law, preventing harm, and protecting British democracy and individual liberty. Those accused of offences over this period will see the contribution lawyers make to the justice system first-hand when lawyers represent them without fear or favour, regardless of their personal opinions.